Tezuka - The Marvel of Manga

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Today we went for the Tezuka Osamu exhibition at National Gallery Victoria with Ken's classmate, Yoshiki.

Above image is taken from http://www.ngv.vic.gov.au/tezuka/

For many of us who grew up in the 80s (living in Singapore), will remember the time where we would sit in front of the TV at 6pm to have our dinner and watch Kimba the Lion or any other cartoons :-)

Ken and myself was wondering Disney's Lion King and Kimba have so much similarities ... Hmmm what are your thoughts?

Above image is taken from Madman Entertainment

For those who don't know ....
TEZUKA Osamu is heralded as an icon of the Japanese manga movement; acknowledged in Japan as an artistic master, and revered as the figurehead of the manga and anime industries. Creating over 700 manga titles during his lifetime, he is best known in the West for his cartoons of Astro Boy and Kimba the White Lion, which were serialized for television in the 1960s. Tezuka’s work is acclaimed for its complexity and originality and his drawings showcase an extraordinary calligraphic dynamism. His prolific manga work contains two main streams: manga ‘comic pictures’ for a youth audience, including Astro Boy, Kimba and Princess Knight; and gekiga ‘drama pictures’ – more seriously-toned, adult oriented narratives such as Song of Apollo and Ludwig B, that stress realistic effect and emotional impact. This exhibition features both aspects of his work, introducing Western audiences to the complexities and extraordinary range of the manga form.

Above text taken from http://www.ngv.vic.gov.au/tezuka/

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