Buller Ski Trip

It's been awhile since our last update and since then we have accumulated quite a lot of photos. Instead of blogging about food again, I guess its good to have something different to post. Since its winter here in Melbourne, what better way to enjoy this season then having fun with snow. In the last week of June we made a weekend ski trip up to Mt Buller with our friends. We stayed at Mansfield, the biggest town closest to Mt Buller, at Chris's place and was welcomed with great warmth and hospitality by Chris's family. The weather was terrific and there was a good amount of snowfall to coat the slopes of Mt Buller (45mins away from Mansfield) with a nice layer of soft fluffy whiteness. I guess there is no better way to describe the trip, so we will just let our photos do the talking.

The photos shows us having our scrumptious dinner at Mansfield Hotel. We can clearly see why its been voted one of the best country pub & restaurant in Victoria. The food was amazing especially the hot-stone beef that I had. After dinner we, went back to Chris's place and had a wonderful time playing with Axle, his cute playful jack russell , and Muffin, his very affectionate cat. Finally you will see the amazing pictures of Mt Buller and the gorgeous snow filled slopes. So sit back and enjoy the photos. Cheers!

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