The Royal Melbourne Show 2005

Loads of photos on this post so be patient while its loading. On Friday we went to The Royal Melbourne Show and had a great time. It is an annual agricultural event to promote and display livestock, produce and rural merchandise. It also has games & rides to attract the young and old. There was also a huge variety of showbags for sale. We were tempted to buy a couple of the showbags which ranges from chocolates (Ken's fav - Cadbury showbag) to fishing equipment (worth $50 but said to contain $300 plus worth of fishing stuff). In the end we bought a showbag which has 100 sticks of incense for $10. We decided to buy it coz our living area smells like a kitchen. ;-P Oh the highlight of this event for us was the Bengal Cats. Amazing!! We have decided if we were to have a cat, it HAS to be a Bengal Cat. The kittens were retailing for $800 each. Trust me once you see them (I've got pictures & videos), you will know what I mean.

It was a pretty cloudy and cold day

Part of the carnival area

Show Dog Competition

hmm... Best Bitch

The doggies were actually prancing around

You ain’t nothin’ but a hound dog

Curly Coated Retriever We have never seen this breed before. It seems like its coat went thr' an afro permed

Serena: Mmm...nice curly fur
Dog: smell of sasuage.

Beagles. So Cute!

Chow Chow

Giant Schnauzer

Black Russian Terrier. The dog needs a hair clip. Can it even see with the hair covering its eyes.

Boxer. My favourite shot of the day

Tired Boxers

Boston Terrier

Japanese Spitz

Extreme bike stunts

Look Ma! No Hands!

Wood Chopping Competition

Smiling like a little kid

Moooo...... Chocolate milk?

Welcome to the Cow Wash

Bengal Cat Our fav. Look at its coat - Leopard Print!

Bengal Kittens are 11 weeks old

Leopard spots look so nice on them

The closest we could get to a domesticated leopard

They are so cute I couldn't stop taking photos of them

Big fat lazy kitty. Reminds me of someone. I wonder who.

This ewe just gave birth to these little lambs in the morning. The little lambs are about 7hrs old

Did you know?

Serena had a little lamb,
little lamb, little lamb

Rabbit ears lamb
On our way home from the show ground, we pass through the city

Our first time seeing a full rainbow

2 nights before full moon

2 Snaps:

  1. klinz said...

    oh my God oh my God oh my GOD !!!

    the KITTENS !!! So cuuuttteee !!!

    Kittens are my TOP favourite pet, followed very very close behind by Roborovskii breed hamsters.

    Just can't get enough of them.. hee hee..  

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