Shopping Spree

Stocking up the fridge & freezer for 3 weeks. We went grocery shopping at Queen Victoria today just 2 hours before they were closing. Things were going at bargain prices and we couldn't help but to over buy. :-P Imagine the boxes of fruits and tomatoes - We bought them for A$2 per carton and the bunch of celery for A$1. We also bought some cod (for $5), salmon (for $8) and prok loin. Gee looks like we are really running a catering business yah? Hmm Shopping spree wasn't like this when we were back home. It was toys, shoes and clothes.

Our Shopping Spree @ Queen Vic Mkt
Fruits and Vegetables
Home made Tomato Puree
Ken cutting pears

2 Snaps:

  1. klinz said...

    All the vege looks so fresh, compared to those sold locally.

    And they sell it by carton ? Darn cheap eh ?

    Yeah, you guys sure look as though you are running a catering. Overseas orders available ?? haha.  

  2. Snapping Rena said...

    We usually do marketing just 1hr prior to their closing that's when they have this clearance. Heh we are living on a poor student budget. They simply put whatever unsold items into boxes or trays and sell them off cheap (else usually they go by per kg). Most of the vegetables and fruits have to be consumed within a couple of days.

    Vegetables and fruits are usually A$1 or A$2. Meat and seafood will go for A$5 or A$10 per tray.  


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