Melbourne Tee Bar

Nike[co]+Lab collaborated with Groovisions to showcase their work in Smyrnios Gallery, Melbourne. We had great fun with the interactive screen-printing session featuring Groovision designs created exclusively for Nike[co]+Lab. Oh the guys from GV graced the event too. They specially flew in from Japan this morning.


Design by Devil Robots

Design by Dalek

Design by Tenmyouya Hisashi


Design by Dave White




My attempt



GRV Dollar

Screen Printed Tees

3 Snaps:

  1. klinz said...

    Great pics !!! hehe.. seems like a very interesting event huh.. well, maybe only the technology appeals to me. I know nuts about designing, let alone creative designing. Haha..

    By the way, what cam did you use to take the pics ?  

  2. Snapping Rena said...

    I am using a Canon S60.

    The criteria for me in choosing this camera was that it came with a underwater housing & it has underwater white balance so I can go diving with it.  

  3. klinz said...

    yep.. its a great cam.. no doubt about it. -wink-  


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