Roti Prata Franchise?!?!

Oh well Ken is into his last 2 weeks of his semester and is up to his neck with his projects so I have to entertain myself & feed him well ;-)

Since he wanted to have chicken curry for dinner I thought perhaps I should experiment Roti Prata. As a kid I always enjoyed watching how the roti prata man flipped the dough and how the dough stretches and thins out. Nevertheless, I thought I would attempt that feat myself. Haha I did try but I could not even flip the flatten dough without it tearing. I must admit, it looks easy when the roti prata man does it but really it requires some skills & lots of practice.

The roti prata texture did not turn out as well as I would like it to - soft and fluffy but it's not too bad.

Making the Roti Prata Dough

The Fun is about to begin

Flattening the Dough

Flattening the Dough

Gave up flipping

Waiting to be pan fried


Roti Prata Set Meal

3 Snaps:

  1. klinz said...

    Oooh !!! Made in Australia Roti Prata !!! I Like !!! hehehe

    er... Tiga kosong, dua teloh, packet please. Oh and extra curry ok ? ;P  

  2. Snapping Rena said...

    Heh OK u want teh tarek to go with it?  

  3. klinz said...

    er... no. i dun do teh tarek.. hehe

    i'm a kopi junkie. coffee. black. no cream, no sugar. (:  


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