Well since our last post, we have been travelling around Victoria and New South Wales. We took a 2.5 weeks road trip to Sydney. We stayed in Bright, VIC for 1 week, 1 night in Canberra, 7 nights in Sydney, 1 night in Merimbula, NSW and 1 night in Lakes Enterance, VIC. We were back in Melbourne on Christmas Day. :-) I will be breaking the holiday post into several posts else it would be a super long one.

Bright is situated in the Ovens Valley and offers beautiful scenery and landscape. There are many ski resorts surrounding Bright, with Mt Buffalo National Park just less than an hour away. We will definately visit Bright in winter so that it can be a base camp for us to access the snow capped mountains and ski resorts. Since it was summer we did horse riding, trout fishing and lots of walking trails.

Wild Rosellas on Ken's arm

Lake Cantani, Mt Bufflao National Park

Thinking Man

View from The Horn, Mt Bufflao

Panaromic View from The Horn, Mt Bufflao

Rollasons Falls. Took a 1hr 15mins (return) track to see this Fall

Bogong Stables where we took horse riding

Ken & Woollybutt crossing a creek

Horse Riding in the Alpine National Parks

Mt Hotham. Look at the ski lifts behind us

Yes Catch of the Day - Rainbow Trout

Having fun at LiliPut

Our next stop, 1 night in Australia's Captial State - Canberra. We drove around the city in the evening and that's about it.

Parliment House behind us

Lake Burley Griffin

In the next post (heh hopefully before 2006), I will update pictures of Sydney, Merimbula and Lakes Enterance.

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