Holidays - Merimbula & Lakes Enterance

On our trip back to Melbourne, we took the coastal route and broke our journey. We stayed 1 night each at Merimbula, NSW and Lakes Enterance, VIC. Both places are quiet and nice towns. Lots of fishing can be done but unfortunately we do not have the time and gear. The last place we visited on our way back was Wilsons Promontory National Park. Amazing we even saw a wild emu!

Sunset @ Merimbula

Look at the live oysters on the beach. Slurp!

Ken attempting to feed a Rosella at Pebbly Beach

The Kangaroos are so tame at Pebbly Beach

Baby Kangaroo feeding

Christmas Eve BBQ Dinner at Lakes Enterance

Aussie way of Christmas feast :-)

Lakes Enterance

Squeaky Beach, Wilsons Prom.

Wild Emu

1 Snaps:

  1. klinz said...

    Wow.. 2.5 weeks road trip holiday. How I wish we could do the same. Back here, 2.5 hours in the traffic could do you in already !

    All the pics posted here are really nice! They are like "eyes" for me, y'know, mate ? I've never been to these places. Now that you've posted pics of them, I know how they look like. (:

    And Bondi beach looks familiar. I believe the beach has appeared in the movies before. Haha.

    Well, its good to enjoy and take time off the hectic routine once in a while.

    Take care, mates! Hehehe. We'll see you back here in a few months time eh?

    Happy New year !!!  


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