Happy & Blessed 2006!!

Wishing all of you a Happy & Blessed New Year. Hope that all of you had a good count down to 2006.

We had a scorching New Year's Eve here in Melbourne. Temperatures soared to a high of 42.9 degrees celsius. Walking on the streets just feel like walking into a sauna so we spent New Year's Eve in our apartment. We had a family dinner and we managed to watch some of the fireworks live from our apartment. :-) There were 2 session of fireworks. One at 9:15pm for the kids and another at midnight.

Preparing the beef to be roasted

Going into the oven

Perfect! Medium Well. Yummy. Wished I had a wooden cutting board then will look more pro. :)


Mango Pudding was for dessert. Made from the freshest mangoes. Rich & Yummy!

Fireworks as seen from our apartment


Our Chilli Harvest! Hah tiny compared to those bought with $

1 Snaps:

  1. klinz said...

    wow look at the size of that beef !!! -drool-

    that must taste really good !

    too bad i'm unable to take beef anymore due to religious reasons.. -sigh-

    But mangoes... Yummy! My fav !!  


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