Project:Kueh Bang Kit

Another CNY goodie to add to the lot - Kueh Bang Kit. Too bad our Kueh Bang Kit wasn't that good. It wasn't those that would melt in your mouth. But anyway given it our first attempt, I must say we did OK. :P

Oh the shape of our Kueh Bang Kit are like buttons because we do not have a rolling pin and cookie cutters. We merely roll the dough into tiny balls and flatten it a little. Heh make do with whatever we have.

1st lot of Kueh Bang Kit (White buttons)

2nd batch and some goofing around


What happened to my nose?

Product Shot 1 - Any orders?

Our 1st Attempts. I must say we did Excellent!
Oh if we never made the Kueh Bang Kit, I guess we would never know that it uses Tapioca Flour (instead of Plain Flour) and Coconut Milk/Cream. Ain't it good to learn something new everyday?

Hmm since I've got a craving for Kueh Lapis, I think we may attempt that sometime this week. :-) Patience will be a key ingredient I suppose.

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