To spice up the Chinese New Year mood and also to statisfy some cravings, we made Hay Bee Hiam Roll. No Joke it's hard work rolling the tiny shrimp roll. Cooking the Hay Bee Hiam wasn't that bad but the rolling part is so intricate. Ken got rather good and fast at rolling towards the end of the lot.

We made a total of 197 of those tiny shrimp roll. It took us a total of about 2.5 hrs including cooking and preparation time of the Hay Bee Hiam. Anyway it was good coz we didn't feel like stepping out as the day (Saturday) was terribly hot - 40 degrees celsius.

Now we are getting more "adventurous" with making our own CNY goodies. I wonder what we will be doing this week. Ken has requested Kueh Bang Kit. Hmmm...

That's our last lot of Hay Bee from Singapore

Cooking the Hay Bee Hiam

Our shallots got too burn hence the black specks amongst the hay bee

No Joke! As Ken puts it "Need to have Kai En's hands to roll"! Kai En is my cousin - 4 years old

The Lot of Stuff

Ready to be fried

Our Hard Work

Oh we managed to get ourselves some Blue Swimmer Crabs so for dinner we had a treat! Yummy!

2 of those weighing about 650 grams cost us A$5


Almost ready to be served

Yummy! Sweet Chilli Crab

1 Snaps:

  1. Anonymous said...


    go start a catering business pls!!!... =)

    I invest S$200... anyone else... =)  


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