There are so many local snacks that we miss back home and the only way to feed the crave is to make them ourselves. It's amazing coz we didn't know we could cook before we arrived. :P Well, I guess back home in Singapore, we are too use to driving to the hawker center to feed that crave.

We made 90 plus onde onde today. Can't imagine I use to buy them (10 pieces) for S$3 from Maxwell Market and I need to pre-order! Now I can be a glutton and eat till I am sick of it for the next couple of years.

Verdict: Excellent! I am not kidding.

Ken filling the onde onde with gula melaka
(palm sugar)

Waiting to be boiled

Once its cooked, it will float

Coat them with some grated coconut


Should I sell 10 pieces for A$5? Labour is expensive here
Yesterday we made some Wu Kok with some left over steamed yam. Hey I know you must be thinking ain't we eating too much? Well we had only wu kok and yu sheng for dinner!

Verdict: Not bad!

Savoury filling

Yam balls

Trying to squeeze more filling in

Yam puff No. 1

Final Product. Shape ain't like those commercial ones coz it's homemade. Haha


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