What's for Dinner tonite?

Tonight we have company! Our friends Andrew and Jocelyn are popping by for dinner. So we decided to go simple and just bake everything!

On the menu were baked sweet potatoes, pumpkin, herbed chicken drumsticks, marlin kebab and coleslaw. For dessert I made mango pudding and they brought a lovely cake. The cake was splendid but unfortunatley we have no idea what cake it is.

Not much pictures though coz we were busy running around today besides cooking. Come on we have other business to do besides cooking all day! We have a life man! LOL

Lot of Marlin Kebab

Can you make out what other goodies are there?

Look how beautiful and sinful the cake is

We were too engrossed in the cake that we forgot to take pics of the inside but I guess it was good coz we would have prevented you from wetting your keyboards! *EVIL GRIN* Texture of the cake was soft and moist with tinge of oreo cookie flavour. Yummilicious!

Oh for those who want to attempt the Onde Onde ... One tip you've got to eat them all the day itself coz what happened was when we tried it today the skin was hard. We thought of steaming them briefly so that the skin may get softer but have not tried it yet. So best bet - make them fresh, eat them all on the same day and share them with your neighbours!

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