Today we had dinner at Fir's place. He was the chef tonight! I especially like the tofu with mince chicken dish. I could just have that with steaming hot rice. The other dish was chicken pieces with mushrooms and capsicums in some spicy sauce.

After dinner we played texas poker & blackjack. Hah Ken and myself was cleared of all our chips twice. Ahh then just before we left for home, Ken had a surprise!! Fir bought him a birthday cake :-) Thanks Fir!! Awww Ken was touched because it has been sometime since he had a "birthday party" and friends singing him Happy Birthday.

Fir preparing dinner. We like his kitchen!

Chef @ work

Look at the colors. Yum!

Ken's Birthday Cake. Black Forrest Chocolate Cake

Ken grinning away

Yummy Drool

Fir & Ken trying to remove the banner

Cheese :-)

Fir & Fiona, Ken & Serena

Cross section of the cake

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