Spring is here

Spring is here but last week it felt more like winter. It was wet and cold. Well it will get warmer next week - 22 degree celsius on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Nothing much has happened except tons of school work hence we haven't been updating the blog. We are half way thr' the semester and October will be a tough month for us. Well, we are still uploading pictures taken (from meal to meal :P) just that there isn't time to format it nicely here. Oh well we still need to eat so the kitchen is not close nor have we caved in to take aways.

Chocolate cupcakes

Yummy - Freshly baked about 1/2 hour ago

Since we had a voucher for a free DVD rental, we decided to rent the movie, Thumbsucker and have popcorn and coke while watching.

Microwave popcorn - Buttered flavour

Didn't really like the taste of it

Coke & Popcorn

Krispy Kreme is gonna open in Melbourne City at long last :-). Is the malay spelling for cream = kreme? LOL Anyway its an American brand for those who don't know. We had a bite when they were having some launch in the city last Thursday. We bought a dozen of their famous Glazed Donuts and finished it all in a day. It is real sinful. I can only have 2 pieces max each time coz they are too sweet but Ken can go on and eat them all. So I had to "write" names on them. HAHA

Krispy Kreme

Famous Glazed Donuts

Yesterday (9 Sept) we bought 1/2 dozen of the BIGGEST (Australian) oysters we have ever seen. It was almost the length of a teaspoon.

HUGE Oyster

Almost the size of Ken's palm

Baked with some garnishes

Ken gonna slurp it!

Some misc. pictures :-)

Playing chess along Swanston St.

Making the next move

Bought some freshly made Bagels

Strawberry as BIG as the kiwi.

Ken's iron on

Cute? He created this character.

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