Term Break

*Above image taken from http://www.ngv.vic.gov.au/

Today was a nice day so we decided to get out of the apartment for some sunshine. We started the day with breakfast at home - Chwee Kueh (YES! Home made!). After breakfast, we went to see the Picasso exhibition at National Gallery Victoria. Unfortunately, no cameras allowed so we didn't take or try to sneak any shots. Before heading back home, we decided to head down to the newly opened Krispy Creme outlet in Melbourne CBD. Yes they are open today, 26th Sept 2006 at 8:00a.m.

Home made Chwee Keuh.
Finally I can control the
amount of oil in my chwee keuh.

Yes that's the queue!! I think the last
person in line will get theirs 1 to 1.5hrs

Our lot after 1/2 hour


House Rule: Whoever wears that cap
will then be allowed to eat!

Ken taking his first bite!

Serena's Fav. flavour - Traditional Cinnamon

Ken love them ALL. Haha kidding he
likes the Original Glaze.

Oh when it was our turn they actually SOLD OUT on their House Flavour - Original Glaze. So instead of buying 1 dozen of Original Glaze and 1 dozen of Assorted at $24, we had a choice of 2 dozen of Assorted at $24. HAHA which was good for me coz I don't really dig the orignal glaze flavour and I get to choose 2 dozens of assorted flavours at $24 instead of $30. Cool ... and this means I got to work harder in the gym too. ;-)

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