So what do we have here ...

Yes we bought 2 bags of them from Prahran Market. We have never eaten them before and thought it would be fun to have a go at them.

We spent about 1hr plus cracking them, scoping the uni and washing it. Hard work and now we know why its going for so much in the market. Hmm not sure if I will have the guts to pick some and crack it underwater the next time I dive. :P

Some super smelly liquid that came out of the sea urchin

That's the mouth

The orangy stuff is uni (sea urchin roe)

Got to wash it under running cold water

Our harvest

Uni. Hmm wonder how much is that worth?
We have not eaten them yet as we had chilli crabs for dinner. Most likely we will have them on Monday for dinner along with some unagi. Yummy! Tomorrow's night dinner is mussels!

That's our dinner tonite

Today's marketing
Answer: Sea Urchin.

1 Snaps:

  1. klinz said...

    Eewww !!! The inside looks ultra hideous !!!

    I count myself lucky that I have never tasted an urchin, so I won't have any cravings for it...

    One word.

    YUCKS !!! ;P  


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