Summer Holidays ....

Summer holidays are over, school has started for both of us. Ken is into his final year and I've just started on my postgrad program. After 1 week of school, we found 1 word to sum it all up - SIONG! "Siong" is a singlish term which means Tough.

It's not so much that we have lost momentum during the 3 months of summer vaccation but more so the work load. Ken has at least 1 assignment due every fortnight and for me tons of research, reading, presentations and papers to write. Oh well so you wouldn't be expecting much from the kitchen or this blog till the holidays are here again.

Since this was my first week at school, I've realised that there are many Indians and Mainland Chinese enrolled in the unis that are located in Melbourne City. Hmm makes me feel like I am not studying in an Australian Uni. :P Text books are also real expensive. A price check I've done - Believe it or not, one of my text book cost $35 plus Singapore Dollars back home (Singapore) and it cost nearly $80 Australian Dollars here. MAD!

Today we visited the Information Centre at Federation Square and was amazed by the number of brochures available and the centre itself. It is very nicely done up and most of the brochures are not only informative but of good print quality. Hmm makes me wanna visit the Information Centre back in Singapore and see how we fare. Personally I don't think it can be comparable to the one here but then again I wouldn't mind being proved wrong! ;)

Oh well nothing exciting has happened or worth mentioning ... got to get back to preparing a quick dinner and hit the books.

Psst ... Commonwealth games is less than 2 weeks away! Bet Melbourne City will come alive with fireworks and lots of activities. Ahh I remembered I've something to tell since we are along the line of Commonwealth Games. There was this guy who raised his hand during one of the lectures and asked "Is RMIT closed during Commonwealth Games?" Wow I couldn't help but burst in laughter! And of course the lecturer smiled and said "No, not as far as I know". Hmmm ....

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