Week 2 of school

Yes that's fast we are into week 2 of school. Ken had some assignments due this week and my turn will come pretty soon. Hmm if only we could just sail thr' school by showing our enthusiasms and be graded on it. LOL! :P

Anyway we managed to stop, breadth and enjoy. On Wednesday evening, we went to Queen Victoria Market for The Suzuki Night Market. It's a weekly event and will last till the end of this month. There was live entertainment, world food, drinks and weird and wonderful wares. And on our way home while waiting for and in the tram I took some night shots of Melbourne City.

Friday night we had dinner at Mark's place (Conner of Swanston and Grattan St). We had 2 large pizzas (In Singapore's context that would have been HUGE), 1 plate of pasta and 1 plate of chips. No pictures too bad you got to eat (not see it) it to know what you are missing HAHA! Fir ordered the food as he knows the place and he wanted chips! I like the chicken pizza (I forgot the actual name as I didn't study the menu and place the orders), it had a sweet and creamy filling and it's unique. Yummy!

Saturday - Since it was the weekend, we decied to put in more effort for our meals so we made popiah! Wah so much time and effort was put into cutting the turnip, bamboo shoot and other ingredients. Hmmm...I guess paying $1.50 for the effort put into making popiah is pretty much worth it. Hmm isit still that price back in Singapore's hawker centers?

The Suzuki Night Market

Rows of food stalls

Yummy Look at the meat! Stall was selling Souvlaki

Ken & Fir enjoying their Chicken Fajitas

Stalls selling weird and wonderful wares

Melbourne City Baths - Health, fitness and wellbeing centre

Nay that's not our tram

RMIT City Campus

Junction of Swanston and La Trobe St. State Library

Flinders Station

Popiah Filling

Other ingredients

Deep Fried Popiah

Next week will be interesting. Labour Day is on Monday but unfortunately Ken still has school. Weird right? There's also Moomba Parade along Swanston Street on Monday at 11am. Wednesday will be the opening of Commonwealth Games. Bascially for the next 2 weeks, Melbourne City will be full of life and activities and also bursting with people. So next 2 weeks I will bring my camera along when I go into the city for classes. :-)

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