Good Genes ....

...comes from the family. Naturally!

Monday, December 25, 2006

As you can see, all the food on the table are prepared by my parents. Yes the Christmas turkey and ham too!! My parents prepared the turkey, the stuffing and ham from scratch. The turkey was huge, about 6kg or 7kg and it took my parents about 4 hours to cook it and our family devoured all of it in just one evening. I guess this spells how yummy the food was.

We had a good time playing with the fire sparklers and we even had a mini project with all the cousins! It was no easy feat however we succeed and I will make it into cards (special edition) for all the families this (2007) Christmas!

Family Feast
Look at that Leg Ham
Huge turkey
Fresh Oysters
Ham slices
Baked potatoes with dill
Little cousins getting their fill
Playing with fire sparklers
Trying to form a word
Having fun

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