True Singaporean?

Our first breakfast in Singapore and of course in a hawker center at New Upper Changi Road. Ken had his kopi-o while I have my teh-c. We were greedy and had mee rubus and fried carrot cake. We were so happy as breakfast was not only good but it cost us about A$5.00 which is cheap! Yes for all those food!

Teh-C and Kopi-O (Tea with Carnation Milk and Black Coffee)
Fried Carrot Cake! My favourite!
Mee Rubus (Malay noodles)

Durain. Yes Ken finally had his durain after a long time and I must admit, not because we were in Australia but rather I would avoid him if he eats that fruit! *Evil Grin*

King of Fruit - Durain
Savouring it with his mom
Finally, I get to eat durain!
I am satisfied hence I am happy and grinning away!

... We LOVE our FOOD don't we? ...

1 Snaps:

  1. klinz said...

    hehehe.. you should be grouped under "food bloggers"... hahah..  


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