Lazy Saturday

Saturdays has always been the laziest day of the week for us, more so when in Singapore. As usual we did nothing much except work our tummies (the unhealthy way). For lunch we had Katong Laksa and for dinner we met some friends at East Coast Lagoon. We had a huge and hearty meal - Salted Vegetable Duck Soup, Sambal Kang Kong, BBQ Sting ray and, Sweet and sour pork chops!!

I forgot about taking pictures of the food we had today as I am trying to change the perception of our blog (HAHA ... as if). Anyway it was a good Saturday especially catching up with our friends!

Shop houses along Katong
I guess the doggies pretty much sum up our Saturday mood. Btw, we are 2 posts behind - Ken is suppose to blog but it seems like everyday is Saturday to him ;P

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