Happy Birthday everyone...


Happy Birthday everyone! For the uninitiated, yesterday (Sat 24/02/07) is the 7th day of the Lunar New Year and is also known as Ren Ri (人日). So I am sure most of you back home are having Yu Sheng today, we won't be doing it today but will save it for the last day of Lunar New Year (15th day) to enjoy it. Anyway here's wishing all of you good health and success in whatever you do!

Ok so we are backin Melbourne now. As usual we love Saturdays, as that's when we can induldge in our favourite past time. THE FISH AUCTION.

Our very first auction of the new year at our favourite Claringbolds Seafood in Prahran Market. Nothing beats cheap, good and fresh seafood. Where can you get A$5 for half a dozen of sweet tasty oysters, A$5 for 400g of Patagonian toothfish (taste so much like codfish - YUM!) or even A$5 for a huge 1kg bag of live mussles.

So what did we get this time round? Well, before the auction we agreed that we should only spend A$30 between the both of us but as usual, when the action starts we got carried away.

Our catch of the day:
1) Lobster (500g) 5) Kingfish fillet
2) Half dozen of scallops on shell 6) Mary perch
3) Pantagonian toothfish 7) Sushi and Sashimi (ocean trout)
4) Snapper fillet

Took some pictures of the lobster back at the apartment and some how it reminded me of a chinese dragon head. Love the red orangey colour of the shell and the pattern on it.


Spikes all round

More Spikes duh...


Reminds me of a dragon's head

Dragon of the Sea?

Red orangey patterns
And so our dinner for the night was baked lobster with 3 types of cheese, sushi and ocean trout sashimi

Dissected lobster ready
to be eaten anytime

Adding the cheese
prior to baking

Baked lobster with
3 types of cheese

Lobster witth hot sticky cheese

Sushi with ocean trout sashimi

A dozen sushi roll and counting...
Don't envy us, just salivate at the pictures and also be thankful to God for the food that you have everyday. :) More pictures to come .... So enjoy and have a Great Week Ahead!


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