Summer or Autumn

Autumn is here but Summer seems reluctant to budge. We had prepared chicken stock for steamboat (Hot Pot) but we were shocked to hear the forecasted weather to be 36ºC for today. Thank God that the weather did not turn out to be that hot. It cooled pretty much as the day went by and we had a great steamboat dinner. As usual we had prepared more food than we could handle. I guess we will have to finish the rest tomorrow.

1) Beef Slices 6) Fishballs
2) Pork Scotch Slices 7) Skinless Cocktails
3) Chicken 8) Enoki Mushrooms
4) Fish 9) Chinese Cabbage
5) Scallops 10) Vermicelli

Yes. I know we are crazy to prepare so much food just for the 2 of us. But we like to have a variety. Bad habit I guess.


Overview of the spread

Fastest hands first


Sliced beef coooked to perfection


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