Red beauties & treats for the eye

Ferrari is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year and we were treated to a unique car display in Melbourne. This includes the first Ferrari to arrive in Australia.

On Saturday (03/03/07) Lygon street was close for this event and a convoy of Ferraris (new & vintage models) rolled through the street to the cheers of the thousands of fans who turned up. A Ferrari F1 even zoomed through Lygon Street although it was only at 60km/h instead of the 100km/h that the proposed by the organisers. Too bad we only knew about the event at about 3pm so it was too late to make our way down. We only saw the amazing line of Ferraris on the evening news. The only consolation is the display of 6 vintage & new Ferraris at the Crown Casino.

So yesterday after church, we decide to make a trip to Crown Casino to feast our eyes on these gorgeous red metallic beauties that have attracted people from all over the world.

1951 Ferrari 212 Inter

1959 Ferrari 250 GT Cabriolet

1967 Ferrari Dino 246

1984 Ferrari 288 GTO

1987 Ferrari F40

2006 Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano
After the red beauties, we decide to wander around Crown Casino's shopping area. Nothing caught our attention except ...

High on sugar anyone?

Giant crabs

The carnivore in all of us

Made in Australia


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