The Cuisine Series (Singapore)

Just realised that I have some photos that I was supposed to post on the blog when I was back in Singapore. But alas, I couldn't get my lazy ass into doing it. Well since I do have some new stuff to blog today, I thought I might as well put up some of these old photos taken while we were back home.

Waraku at Central Mall

Waraku opened their latest outlet at the new Central Mall (located above Clarke Quay MRT Station) and was having a promotion which gave 50% of what you spent on that day, as voucher for your next visit. Not wanting to miss such a good offer, we took the opportunity to check out the new Central Mall and also fill our stomach with a spread of delicious Japanese dishes.

Clarke Quay & Riverside Point

Clarke Quay

Seafood Kaminabe

Sashimi 5 Kinds

Yakitori Touban Yaki

Maccha Shiratama & Maccha Ice Cake

Night view of Riverside Point
Night view of Clarke Quay

Don't worry there's no spelling mistake in the above title. It's a place with great food but you must have an equally great patience to get a table. The queue here is crazy. In the 2 hours that we were having our dinner, the queue did not change, not even when it started pouring. Take a look at the pics ;)

Crowd growing restless

The Queue

The Famous Mellben Seafood

Man Tou

Cereal Prawns

Yam Basket

Seafood Fishcake
Braised Sea Cucumber & Mushroom

Hokkien Noodles

Crab Bee Hoon


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