Moomba WaterFest 2007

Moomba WaterFest , one of the largest and longest running festivals in Australia, was held over the Labour Day long weekend, from 9 to 12 March 2007. Kids carnival rides, Moomba Masters International Water Ski Championships, Moomba Parade, the Birdman Rally, Bathtub Dash and many more. But the highlight has always been the Moomba Fireshow held daily at 9.30pm. Barges filled with pyrotechnics lined the section of Yarra River, between Princes Bridge and Swan Street Bridge, ready to explode into a splash of light and colours to the oohs and ahhs of the crowd.

Spinning LIke no Tomorrow

Carnivàle Spectacular

Yesterday, we made our way down to the Birrarung Marr along the Yarra River to try and get a good spot for some photos but alas the pyrotechnics performance was cancelled due to windy conditions. So today being the last day of the festival, we were sure that the organisers would definitely not disappoint the crowd and the performance will be on. We manage to get ourselves a pretty good spot even though we only arrive about 30mins before the Fireshow (definitely not possible when if this was Singapore) Check out the video and photos that we took. The crowd were treated to 9mins of amazing pyrotechnics performance with brillant light and sparkles splashing over the Yarra river. What a way to end a festival!

Melbourne City from Birrarung Marr
Click on the photos for a larger image.







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