The Cuisine Series II (Melbourne)

Ok so I know I should be posting more often but I guess I was just back to my old LA boy. Anyway, over the past few weeks, both of us had cravings for different types of food after reading ieatishootipost. So what do we do when we have cravings and not many places to savour what we want? We cook them ourselves (or rather Serena cooked them :P). So first up we had Tandoori Chicken with Yellow Rice and Kachumber (something like a cucumber salsa). Too bad it ain't the mango season else we would even add Mango Lassi to the menu :)


Tandoori Chicken

Tandoori Chicken with Yellow Rice
and Kachumber

Next on the menu is Rivoli Carbonara to satisfy our Italian tastebuds. Cheese & ham rivoli, fresh button mushrooms and bacon with carbonara sauce = Squisita!


Rivoli Carbonara

Tuna Cannelloni was a dish that we saw on TV on one of Jaime Oliver's program. It made us drool so we decided to try it out since we had the recipie too and the ingredients needed. The cheese was a little burnt on one side but overall it was pretty good for a first attempt. Cannelloni stuffed with smoked trout, tuna, capsicum, chives , ricotta cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt.


Tuna Cannelloni

Smoked Trout & Tune stuffing

Besides 'real' food, we all need our comfort food from time to time. So Serena decided to bake some cookies. Its much healthier then potato chips or even cookies bought from the supermarket as she has a say of what ingedients to use. Flour, nuts, raisins and cereal. The final result? Crunchy, tasty, can't-stop-eating cereal cookies!





When we found out that the Japanese Supermarket near our place was having a 3 day 20% off sale on everything in the store, we decided that we will drop by just to get the stuff we need. As usual, we end up buying more than we should. The both of us just love buying and stocking on food so the total amount we spent in there was almost 3 times what we had originally wanted. Slightly higher than the amount we spent last year when they had a sale. :P But this time round we bought frozen Wagyu Beef! Here's what for dinner that night.


Steamboat Spread





I had cravings for Prawn Noodle (Hae Mee) after reading ieatishootipost (it's an "evil" blog to visit if you are on a diet :P ), so we decided to buy some prawns and pork ribs when we were at Queen Victoria Market. We wanted to boil our own stock for the prawn noodles but alas looking at the small amount of prawn shells and heads, we were afraid the taste would be very bland. So we thought it will be wiser to get the prawn noodle paste from the chinese grocery store to supplement the taste.

Too bad the prawn noodle paste had chilli in it and the spiciness overpowered the natural tase of the succulent sweet prawns. The first round (we had enough stock for 3 rounds) of prawn noodles tasted more like a spicy hot pot with noodles. We left the remaining stock in the fridge so that we could have another round for lunch the next day. We manage to discard the chilli oil before boiling the soup base again, so the second round of prawn noodles tasted so much better. The last round (we had it again for dinner) was the best as it was as close to the kind of prawn noodles that we wanted. Take a look at the picture, does it look like what you will be having for lunch tomorrow?


Pork Ribs, Fish Cake, Prawns, Beansprout & Noodles


3 Snaps:

  1. Dr Leslie said...

    It's ieatishootipost! :)  

  2. Snapping Rena said...

    Opps.. sorry about that. Thanks for the heads up. Updated it :)  

  3. Karrot Juice said...

    Sheesh.. That's a LOT of photos of yummylicious food. And heck, I'm on a diet.

    If you keep posting photos like that, I'd have to refrain from checking out your posts at meal times.  


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