300 at Imax

It was awesome!! We finally wacthed 300 in the Imax on the opening night. Yes I know, we are 1 month behind here in Down Under, but who cares, I had the Imax 300 experience. :P

It was a SOLD OUT session so we decided to go 1 hour before show time to get better seats (yeah free seating kinda sucks). Anyway, never have I seen such huge biceps, triceps, erm what else .... Everything was so huge that I think I could do without my contacts :P The sound system was excellent too hence with this experience, most likely we are going to catch Spiderman 3 at the Imax! Okie, for those techies - 300 has been digitally re-mastered into the unparalleled image and sound quality of The IMAX Experience® with proprietary IMAX DMR® (digital re-mastering) technology. Yes and Spiderman 3 has been digitally re-mastered for The IMAX Experience®!! Can't wait .... this is so exciting ;-) especially having seen the trailer at Imax.

Do yourself a favour, try watching 300 at the Imax. It is worth the $$!

LATEST UPDATE: Ok, Ken could not resist it ... Today we took a nice pic of our dear friend ... remember the same special friend from the FHM party. Ahhh sweet memories ;-)

1 Snaps:

  1. Anonymous said...

    300 is good! I watched it and love every moment of the movie like a boy in a candy shop  


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