Pineapple Tarts & Ping Pong

We decided to get our hands dirty today. After church we made pineapple tarts but we took the easy way out and used ready made pineapple jam. Needless to say ready made pineapple jam is no where comparable to home made jam. Finally Ken is convince to sweat it out and grate and squeeze the pineapple for me to make the jam! Yeah!!

In the later part of the afternoon we headed to Serangoon Gardens for Roti John and had table tennis session with my cousin. Yeap you must be wondering why we are full of energy today ;P

Home econs paid off! Rubbing in method
Kneading the dough
Our first lot out of the oven!
Yes it does taste as good as it looks!
100% Hand made!!
Ken got creative with left over dough
Piglet for the Year of the Pig

Table tennis session!

Warm up!
Getting friendly Bebe!
Bebe feeling really comfortable

Oh btw, orders for pineapple tarts are FULL :P
Today's count: 110 pineapple tarts!

2 Snaps:

  1. klinz said...

    hey... really should consider using the pineapple filling from Red Man. Very suitable for making pineapple tarts and pastries... (:  

  2. Snapping Rena said...

    We tried red man pineapple jam in the first lot of pineapple tarts we made but I found it be lacking in fragrance and it was too sweet. Heheheh and Ken was convinced after tasting to make our own jam.

    Today finally we made 219 tarts using home made jam and my fingers are so tired. So factory declared CLOSE for the New Year :-)  


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