Tarts No More!!

This is the best lot. Not only is it made using homemade pineapple jam, the flour and butter proportion is more accurate than our earlier batch. I couldn't believe it, we actually used 8 pineapples to make the jam and over 1kg of flour for 219 tarts but I must admit we had a generous serving of pineapple jam per tart. Our factory line (Ken and myself) worked non stop for 4 to 5 hours to produce this lot (excluding time taken to make the jam which my dad helped to grate). Now my index fingers are sore! No more making pineapple tarts for me for the year! Time for FEASTING. :P

Cooking the grated pineapple to make jam
Pineapple jam balls
Buttery dough
Hard Work!
Working as fast as I can
Generous heap of pineapple jam
Spot the odd one
All done at long last

Pineapple tart factory line Officially CLOSED for the year!

Today's count: 219 pineapple tarts!
To date's count: 329 pineapple tarts!

2 Snaps:

  1. Anonymous said...

    hey, pineapple tarts!! I like!! Look yummy... can i have some?? pretty, pls??  

  2. lowdnoise said...


    Your pineapple tarts look really gd. Wondering if you mind sharing the recipe? :)



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