Part III - Suzhou and Beijing

November 25, 2006 to December 17, 2006


We went to the Venice of the East - Suzhou with the school group. Visited The Humble Administrator's Garden, Tiger Hill and Suzhou Museum. Humble Administrator's Garden represents the architectural styles of Song dynasty. This among 3 other gardens in Suzhou is added to the World Heritage List in 1997. The garden is massive and it is such a serene sight (minus the hordes of tourist). In Tiger Hill, we felt that the timber pagoda is the major attraction there. It is the oldest pagoda in Suzhou. It is viewed as the Leaning tower of the East and and for the past four hundred years has leant towards the northwest.

Picturesque Suzhou

Tiger Hill Pagoda

Gongfu Duel


Beijing was freezing when we were there. Temperatures range from 0 to 6 degrees celsius in the day. However this did not deter us from doing some sight seeing and besides no visit to China is complete without a trip to the Great Wall, Tian An Men Square and Forbidden City. Besides these places we also went to Jing Shan Park, Summer Palace and Ming Tombs.

Great Wall of China - Ba Da Ling

Forbidden City

Forbidden City Moat

Jing Shan Park
People playing shuttlecock like thing

Which bicycle is mine?

Famous Mao potriat

Chairman Mao's Mausoleum. Embalmed body of the Chairman is displayed.

Sheng Dao (Spirit Way)-Ming Tombs

Stone statues along Sheng Dao

Inside one of the underground tombs-Ding Ling

Summer Palace

Mighty Warrior?

Fishing on frozen lake

Ahh another Fear Factor Challenge. Food street
stall along Donghuameng Night Market

Finally we tried authentic Peking Duck from the place of origin. However we preferred the Singapore version as the Peking version has too much fat content. It seems like the fat is fused together with the skin and I am unable to scrap it out. We had Peking Duck twice during our 1 week in Beijing, we tried 2 restaurants - Beijing Dadong Kaoya Dian and Quan Ju De Kaoya Dian. We enjoyed the food, duck and service at Beijing Dadong Kaoya Dian better and it was more reasonally priced. The latter shop is over priced and over rated.

Look at the number of condiments
for the Peking Duck

That's 1/2 a duck

Nothing goes to waste
Duck head (Delicacy)

Process of making the
Fattest Duck Roll!

Cute edible sparrows
Filled with red bean paste

Both of us got tired of Chinese food and we doubt we will visit China in the next 5 years.

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