It's been awhile since we posted pics of what we have for our meals but rest assured we are still eating well despite the head chef being in school. Well one has to eat well to do/perform well right?

Last night's dinner was superb. We had chilli crab with man tou(steam chinese buns). Surprisingly Ken managed to find some frozen man tou from the asian grocery across the street from our apartment. Too bad we have no pictures coz we were too busy tucking into pipping hot food. Food gets cold real fast now as its getting real cold in our apartment. Yesterday's temp. ranged between 8 - 17˚C.

Anyway here are some pics of what we had over the past few weeks.

Spinach Fettuccine with Creamy chicken, bacon and peas sauce.

Cross Section of Lasagna. I made it from scratch.


Tuna Curry with (frozen) Roti Prata

Ken having fun with pancake mix


Ken's Mi Jian Kueh

Peanut(butter) Mi Jian Kueh


Seriously huge scallops

As HUGE & THICK as an egg

Seafood (haha see food for all of you) Shang Mee

Tonight's dinner! Yummy

Seafood Shang Mee

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