Make shift photo studio

Oh last week was a crazy one for us but more so for Ken and as usual Murphy's Law never fail to happen during critical periods. Due to some unfortunate events, Ken couldn't do his product photo shoot in his school's studio hence we had to make one in our alcove. The alcove area has indeed proved it's worth once again. We have converted it from a study area to a bedroom to a store room & a place to hang dry our laundry to a photo studio. I wonder what is next. Heh

Ok anyway below are some pictures of the make shift studio. Sorry pictures are taken by me not the pro! We had to buy the lightings and paper. Sigh Ikea takes about 15 minutes by car from our place but yesterday when we took the tram and it took us 1 hour EACH way. :-(

Alrite, we are looking forward to the Easter Holidays! We will be heading up to Bright over the weekends! Can't wait to see the autumn leaves and also hopefully we can get to see some snow! Last week there was a snow storm in Mt. Buller or was it Mt. Buffalo. ;-)





Ken designed all the labels and made all the packaging himself except of course for the glass bottles, fresh rivoli and dried spaghetti. Something cool about this project is I get to buy some of the Italian ingredients like sun dried tomatoes and the tomato sauce from Italian delicatssen shops instead of Coles and Safeway. Haha

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