Ken's Scribbles

Ken's scribbling. I couldn't resist to show it off haha I thought it was pretty neat ... his mad, he scribbled these on the back of an used envelop when the advertisment is on!

Well nothing much has happened for the last few weeks. Saw some great fireworks during the opening and closing of Commonwealth Games from our apartment. Slogging real hard with school work as the last 2 weeks was tough! And this week the Grand Prix is on and imagine I could hear the vroooomm, zoooomm from our apartment. I woke up on Friday morning thinking oh my neighbour's home entertainment system is excellent but later when Ken came home from school he asked me "Did you hear the Grand Prix? I could hear it from school." Hmm ... Well the Grand Prix is in between our place and the city, Albert Park and we didn't expect to hear anything. Amazing. Too bad we couldn't make it to the Grand Prix.

Oh well dinner tonight was home made pizza. OK we cheated we bought the base from the supermarket. :-)


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