Hot Day

Sun's shining bright today but its really windy. Berms and tees seem to be popping up on more people. As for us, we can do without our jacket for once (maybe we have lotsa fats thats why). We caught the movie 'Little Fish' today. Its about an ex druggie's (Cate Blanchett) life, her family and the uncertainty she faces ahead. No pics today but we took a few on Sunday. Check it out below. Sunday 28/08/05 Spring is just days away and I am feeling the heat. I thought to myself - I am going to miss winter. I think the temperature is 21 degree celcius today but it feels like in the high 20s to 30s. Nevertheless we still enjoyed the day. We attended church in the morning, had lunch in the city, walked around Federation Sq., stroll along Yarra River and caught the tram to St. Kilda.

Serena had Duck and Siew Yok Noodles for Lunch
Ken had Duck and Siew Yok Noodles in Curry for Lunch
Vintage Cars on display at Federation Sq.
Along Yarra River
Luna Park in St. Kilda It's like a fun fair with all the rides and games
We couldn't resist the Gelato Yum
St. Kilda Beach

Culinary Skills Sharpen

Hmm it's been awhile since I've showed our parents what we are up to in the Kitchen ... and my Mom has been saying "Really?". She's ain't sure if I am cooking what I told her we did! Picture time!

Chicken & Mushrooms in Italian Herb Sauce with Spaghetti
Stir Fried Vege with Garlic
Sesame Fried Pork with Long Beans
Brunch - Tuna & Mushroom Soup
Fried Vege with Mushrooms
Pork Ribs
Polished Pork Ribs - Heh
Green Bean Soup
Curry Chicken. Sigh! I am missing Prata with the curry chicken
Beef Redang with Sambal Long Beans Ken cooked the Long Beans. Impressed!
Lazy afternoon - Fried Mackeral & Garlic Mushrooms
Mee Siam. Yeah we managed a few prawns
Are we making all of you hungry?

Bring me Home ...

The Bishon x Maltese is so smart. When we were near it's cage, he/she knows how to bring its food bowl to us. I guess he/she must be hungry.

Bishon x Maltese

A Fine Day

Yesterday after a hearty breakfast prepared by Ken, we went to the movies for the first time since our arrival. Movie tickets are expensive here and Tuesday is the day to catch it coz it's the cheapest in the week. Tuesday tickets are A$8 while the rest of the week is at A$14. We caught this Kurdish film "Turtles Can Fly" and it was set in Iran Iraq. Not bad as these days we are into non main stream movies. Hmm... since we have nothing much to do we decided to get hands on and we made wanton. Not bad for 1st attempt but too bad we could not find any water chestnut here to give the fillings some crunchy effect.

Turkey Ham, Bacon, Eggs with Cheese Toast and Garden Greens
Tram along Chapel St.
A small park just behind our apartment
Spring is coming!
Minced Pork and Wanton Skin
Ken doing the 18 folds - Ding Tai Fong standard
Wanton with Fried Bee Hoon and French Beans
Vit C time

Woof Woof

There are 2 pet shops along Chapel St and almost every day I will take a walk and see if there are any new pups in the pet shop or which pup has a new home or what the pups are doing ... Also I've noticed once the pup gets bigger, the price drops. Price varies from A$450 to A$800 plus minus. Most of them are pure breed. Below are handphone pictures of the puppies.

Pure Breed Rottweiler was retailing for A$795
Pure Breed Labrador was retailing for A$450 and now since they are bigger the prices are down to A$395
Puppies need their sleep
Pure Breed Dalmatians were retailing for A$395. 2 of them had choc spots while the other had black spots
Oh below is another pic of me and Kayak. She likes to be around people :-)

Car Ride

We took a car ride along the coast from St. Kilda to Brighton to Sandringham. We saw many potential DREAM houses facing the sea. Magnificient! Relax and enjoy the sunset.

Brighton Beach
Bath House on Brighton Beach

Dog Training

Yeah I know what all of you must be thinking "You've got a dog?" Sigh NO we dont have one YET. OK I am being real hopeful here. Well when we signed our lease, we declared we don't have any pets so if we do intend to get one we have to update our landlord and check if he is agreeable to it. Ken wants a Cat while I am in a favour for a Dog. We need some votes please? ;-P Anyway, we went with our friends and attended their dog training session at Surrey Park. I must admit the dogs (in general not only those in the training) here in Australia are so much more well bahaved than those back in Singapore. They don't bark much and they are friendly.

Serena with Junior, a Miniature Sheltie He is only a pup
Serena with a Husky Puppy - 3 months old Yah I know she's so cute and she feels like a FURBALL
I can't get enough of this puppy
This is one HUGE male Husky.
Ken walking Kayak, an Aalsatian OR is it the other way around
Owner undergoing training or their Dogs? Hmmm
P/S: I have increased the font size of our blog slightly coz my mom says it's too small she can't read.


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