A Fine Day

Yesterday after a hearty breakfast prepared by Ken, we went to the movies for the first time since our arrival. Movie tickets are expensive here and Tuesday is the day to catch it coz it's the cheapest in the week. Tuesday tickets are A$8 while the rest of the week is at A$14. We caught this Kurdish film "Turtles Can Fly" and it was set in Iran Iraq. Not bad as these days we are into non main stream movies. Hmm... since we have nothing much to do we decided to get hands on and we made wanton. Not bad for 1st attempt but too bad we could not find any water chestnut here to give the fillings some crunchy effect.

Turkey Ham, Bacon, Eggs with Cheese Toast and Garden Greens
Tram along Chapel St.
A small park just behind our apartment
Spring is coming!
Minced Pork and Wanton Skin
Ken doing the 18 folds - Ding Tai Fong standard
Wanton with Fried Bee Hoon and French Beans
Vit C time

1 Snaps:

  1. klinz said...

    wow... looks like both of you are there to become future head chefs eh ? hehhee..

    looks mighty delicious! care to fly some over for me to try ? hee hee.  


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