Woof Woof

There are 2 pet shops along Chapel St and almost every day I will take a walk and see if there are any new pups in the pet shop or which pup has a new home or what the pups are doing ... Also I've noticed once the pup gets bigger, the price drops. Price varies from A$450 to A$800 plus minus. Most of them are pure breed. Below are handphone pictures of the puppies.

Pure Breed Rottweiler was retailing for A$795
Pure Breed Labrador was retailing for A$450 and now since they are bigger the prices are down to A$395
Puppies need their sleep
Pure Breed Dalmatians were retailing for A$395. 2 of them had choc spots while the other had black spots
Oh below is another pic of me and Kayak. She likes to be around people :-)

2 Snaps:

  1. klinz said...

    cool! they let you take pics of the pups with your mobile phone ? the shop owners are pretty darn generous eh ?

    do that in singapore and most pet shop owners will rush out and attempt to confiscate your phone.

    Also, pups in Singapore pet shops seldom cost less than SGD1,000.00  

  2. Snapping Rena said...

    I guess most of the pups back home are imported hence the cost.  


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