Dog Training

Yeah I know what all of you must be thinking "You've got a dog?" Sigh NO we dont have one YET. OK I am being real hopeful here. Well when we signed our lease, we declared we don't have any pets so if we do intend to get one we have to update our landlord and check if he is agreeable to it. Ken wants a Cat while I am in a favour for a Dog. We need some votes please? ;-P Anyway, we went with our friends and attended their dog training session at Surrey Park. I must admit the dogs (in general not only those in the training) here in Australia are so much more well bahaved than those back in Singapore. They don't bark much and they are friendly.

Serena with Junior, a Miniature Sheltie He is only a pup
Serena with a Husky Puppy - 3 months old Yah I know she's so cute and she feels like a FURBALL
I can't get enough of this puppy
This is one HUGE male Husky.
Ken walking Kayak, an Aalsatian OR is it the other way around
Owner undergoing training or their Dogs? Hmmm
P/S: I have increased the font size of our blog slightly coz my mom says it's too small she can't read.

3 Snaps:

  1. klinz said...

    hehe.. yah... the 3 month old husky seems very much like a furball to me.. its one of the best pics (well, at least to me).  

  2. babywombat said...

    one cat one dog. no need to fight. :p  

  3. Anonymous said...

    This is a great blog here Jumping KenGirlRules, searching for information on dog handler training has brought me here. Although this post is not exactly what I am looking for it certainly got my attention and interest. I see now why I found your blog looking for information on dog handler training and am glad I stopped by even though this is not a perfect match. Great blog thanks for the read.  


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