Hot Day

Sun's shining bright today but its really windy. Berms and tees seem to be popping up on more people. As for us, we can do without our jacket for once (maybe we have lotsa fats thats why). We caught the movie 'Little Fish' today. Its about an ex druggie's (Cate Blanchett) life, her family and the uncertainty she faces ahead. No pics today but we took a few on Sunday. Check it out below. Sunday 28/08/05 Spring is just days away and I am feeling the heat. I thought to myself - I am going to miss winter. I think the temperature is 21 degree celcius today but it feels like in the high 20s to 30s. Nevertheless we still enjoyed the day. We attended church in the morning, had lunch in the city, walked around Federation Sq., stroll along Yarra River and caught the tram to St. Kilda.

Serena had Duck and Siew Yok Noodles for Lunch
Ken had Duck and Siew Yok Noodles in Curry for Lunch
Vintage Cars on display at Federation Sq.
Along Yarra River
Luna Park in St. Kilda It's like a fun fair with all the rides and games
We couldn't resist the Gelato Yum
St. Kilda Beach

2 Snaps:

  1. the teacher said...

    oh.... how i miss melbourne :(  

  2. Anonymous said...

    hiya kenneth!

    mmm, gelato o_O  


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