Culinary Skills Sharpen

Hmm it's been awhile since I've showed our parents what we are up to in the Kitchen ... and my Mom has been saying "Really?". She's ain't sure if I am cooking what I told her we did! Picture time!

Chicken & Mushrooms in Italian Herb Sauce with Spaghetti
Stir Fried Vege with Garlic
Sesame Fried Pork with Long Beans
Brunch - Tuna & Mushroom Soup
Fried Vege with Mushrooms
Pork Ribs
Polished Pork Ribs - Heh
Green Bean Soup
Curry Chicken. Sigh! I am missing Prata with the curry chicken
Beef Redang with Sambal Long Beans Ken cooked the Long Beans. Impressed!
Lazy afternoon - Fried Mackeral & Garlic Mushrooms
Mee Siam. Yeah we managed a few prawns
Are we making all of you hungry?

1 Snaps:

  1. klinz said...

    -sucking in huge breadth-

    PORK RIBS !!!!!  


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