
Picture Blog

Swanston Street Church of Christ Today's service was on Fellowship. Base on the book 40 Days of Purpose.
Don't you even think of snatching my Char Siew Pau! We had a hearty Lunch - Yum Cha in Chinatown.
Federation Square
Yes, that's a real OSCARS trophy! Blink!
The city was wet in the evening and traffic was bad!
Went for an exhibition, White Noise in ACMI (Asutralian Centre for The Moving Image). Too bad no photography allowed. P/S: Can someone hit me with a note on how to download pics from Nokia 3230. Thanks!

2 Snaps:

  1. Anonymous said...

    Aiyo....bluetooth lah


  2. klinz said...

    ok.. I vote for the last pic. its my kind of a great scenery.. I like it when it rains.. hehe  


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